
RSN is a scheduling-based company that arranges IME’s, depositions, or medical/peer reviews for clients that manage workers compensation, auto/PIP, liability, or disability claims. Other types of evaluations include FMLA and fitness-for-duty exams. Every referral will be concluded with an unbiased medical report explaining the findings of each expert’s opinion.
Other services provided by RSN includes providing cite letters to all appropriate parties for the IME’s, verbal’s, rush reports, the scheduling of diagnostic testing, translators, transportation, and emails letting the scheduling client know whether the claimant showed or no-showed for his/her appointment.
Also available, are physicians for presentations and seminars. Depending on the specific topics, a physician can design his or her presentation to address the causes, cures, and treatments for each medical condition.
The backbone of Referral Services Network is our unrivaled customer service. We go above and beyond our competitors to provide each client with the utmost professional physicians, timely scheduling, quality reports, and unmatched service.